
The surveying officer carries out surveys of historic records held by businesses, professional organisations, charities and trade unions in Scotland. The surveying officer can also provide advice and guidance on the management and use of business archives to businesses, archivists, and researchers.

A typical survey will result in a Survey Report which includes:

  • A detailed inventory of the archive records
  • An assessment of the archival and historical value of the records
  • Recommendations on which records should be retained by the business
  • Recommendations on best practice for the management and preservation of archives
  • Recommendations for a suitable place of deposit, if the records are not to be managed in-house.

Further services to businesses include:

  • Advice and guidance on archives as assets to the business
  • Research on company history and heritage
  • Preparation for company anniversaries, celebrations and exhibitions
  • Creation of resources for brand education, engagement and identity
  • Advice and guidance on brand and intellectual property protection
  • Advice on best practice for contemporary record keeping and records management
  • Advice on the long-term preservation of archives, including digital resources
  • Advice on the capture and preservation of oral histories and memories

The rates for the Surveying Officers services are:

£60 per hour or £400 day rate plus expenses

It should be noted that these costs are for businesses that are a going concern. These costs are negotiable depending on the services the business requires and the long-term plans for the records.